Supplies for Making Creative Smoothie Bowls

Making smoothie bowls is a good way to incorporate a variety of fruits and healthy foods into your diet. While you are at it, it can be fun to come up with creative ideas for your smoothie bowls, such as themes and decorations.

Here are some supplies to keep on hand for making creative smoothie bowls!

Bowls & spoons

Get creative with bowls and spoons, such as unique wooden bowls and wooden spoons.

Small fruit cutters

Small fruit cutters can help you get creative with making a variety of shapes.


There are many types of seeds you can use to top your smoothie bowls, such as hemp seeds, chia seeds, sunflower seeds, and more.

Superfood powders

Superfood powders are an awesome way to get creative with natural colors for your smoothie bowls, while adding health benefits. Some of these include spirulina, pitaya, turmeric, and beet juice powder.


Toppings can adding a lot of great elements to your bowl, from appearance to texture. From granola to shaved chocolate, there are so many possibilities.

Edible flowers

Edible flowers are a great unique addition, such as nasturtiums, pansies, and marigold petals. These make for a beautiful, edible garnish.

Dried Fruits

Dried fruits can add some extra health benefits, flavor, and color. Some examples are goji berries, dried cherries, shredded coconut, and raisins.

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  • Mow De
    January 13, 2025

    Wow, these colours pop! Vibrant and funkier way to enjoy vegetarian friendly desserts. I think Amazon can help with the shopping!

  • vidya
    January 13, 2025

    i use many of these to make smoothie bowls but have not yet added the edible flowers to them (though use them for baking) and the spirulina looks so very cool

  • Lavanda
    January 13, 2025

    Love the idea of adding edible flowers for a pop of color and beauty! Such a simple yet stunning touch. Definitely trying this next time!

  • Crystal
    January 13, 2025

    I love this idea! Smoothie bowls are such a delicious and fun way to pack in nutrients while getting creative in the kitchen. Coming up with themes and decorations takes it to a whole new level—it’s like turning a healthy meal into edible art!