I love tea, so it was no surprise when I received Butterfly Pea Flower tea as a gift. This tea brews a brilliant blue color, and makes for a unique beverage.
When the Butterfly Pea Flower tea is mixed with something acidic, the pH causes it to turn a brilliant purple color.
For this recipe, you will need:
~ Butterfly Pea Flower tea
~ Sugar (I like to use organic sugar)
~ Lemonade – we are a fan of Santa Cruz Organic Lemonade (or you can make your own)
I don’t know that I have seen Butteryfly Pea Flowers in the store, although I have seen it in tea blends. It is easy to find on Amazon.com.

Start by steeping the tea, making a blue concentrate. You can make a big batch, or even just steep a smaller amount. I just use more of the butterfly pea flowers to make it a darker color concentrate. I don’t usually measure out any specific amounts, but if I am using 8oz of water, I use 2-3 times the amount of pea flowers I would use for a single cup of tea. I also add a couple spoonfuls of sugar, so that the concentrate doesn’t dilute the sweetness of the lemonade.

Pour over lemonade. You can get it to form more of a layered effect, or mix it in to get an overall purple color. The blue Butterfly Pea Flower tea reacts with the lemonade to make a beautiful color!

melissa chapman
January 29, 2020I have not heard about Butterfly tea but it has such an unusual color. I am vegan so i have to try this mix soon.
Amber Myers
January 29, 2020This looks like my kind of lemonade. It’s pretty, for one, and I am intrigued by the flavor. I’ll have to try this out!
Liz Mays
January 29, 2020Oh this is so cool! I haven’t made a lemonade like this before but I’m super interested in trying out those flower flavors!
January 29, 2020i dont know if id want to try this ha im not a huge fan of pea but perhaps mixed with lemonade it wouldnt be too bad
January 30, 2020What an interesting type of lemonade. I’ve never heard of butterfly pea flower lemonade before. Sounds like something I’d try.
January 30, 2020My family back home in the Philippines grow this plant! Some people combined it when making steamed rice. I heard that this type of plant helps and prevents cancer.
Gervin Khan
January 30, 2020I have never tried to taste a butterfly plea flower lemonade, it looks delicious base on the color but I am so intrigue on it’s taste. I am going to try to make this, thanks for sharing!
Chris Hoov
January 30, 2020Looks so nice..! I love its color.. Im so excited to try this one.. Thanks for sharing..
Ruth I
January 30, 2020Never have tried even thought about it. I am keen of having this of my check lists. Must be very nice to have with some tequila.
January 30, 2020wow! This lemonade is worth to try! I am so curious how it tastes!
January 30, 2020I have never had a butterfly pea flower lemonade before. What an interesting drink! I’d like to give it a try.
January 30, 2020This sounds really good. I love that it’s purple too. I definitely want to give this lemonade a try.
Amber Killmon
January 30, 2020That sounds extremely interesting. I’m a huge fan of lemonade and this sounds like something I may enjoy.
Cathy Mini
January 31, 2020Wow, this is really interesting, I loved lavender and looks I love to try this perfect for tomorrow lunch.
February 12, 2020That butterfly pea flower lemonade looks so refreshing! I’d love to give it a try!
December 28, 2023This sounds really tasty, and it’s absolutely beautiful. I can’t wait to make this!
bright loveland snow
December 29, 2023great recipe, i will give it a try. i love lemonade
Nikki Wayne
December 31, 2023Wow! This is the first time I knew about butterfly tea. This is unique. The color of the tea is unique also.
Fransic verso
January 1, 2024This is awesome, love how easy to make, and since its new to make it as well. I would love to try it. Thank you for sharing!